Update on Kuhio Highway Closures: March 15

MARCH 15 LATEST UPDATE: Road remains closed. Work to clear debris is nearly done. Remaining work is installing barriers, rock fence, and a side barrier on downslope.

MARCH 14 UPDATE: The Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT) is updating on continued closures of Kuhio Highway (Route 560) on the north shore of Kauai at mile marker 1 approaching Hanalei Bridge (“Hanalei Hill”).

The slope at Hanalei Hill has been stabilized enough that work to clear the road of landslide materials from the larger landslide on March 11 could begin. Large amounts of debris were removed from the roadway and the pavement and slope below the road appear to be in good condition.

HDOT continues to target early next week, weather permitting, to establish single lane emergency access through the area. Regular updates on the work at Hanalei Hill will be issued daily.

Monitoring of the road above the Hanalei Hills landslide, Kuhio Highway between Kolopua Apartments and Hanalei Plantation Road, will continue and HDOT will maintain this closure out of an abundance of caution.

Daily updates and photos will be posted at https://hidot.hawaii.gov/2021-hanalei-hill-landslide/ until highway access for the communities of Hanalei, Wainiha, and Haena is restored.


Update on Kuhio Highway Closures: March 12, 2021

The Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT) will maintain closures on Kuhio Highway (Route 560) on the north shore of Kauai. Currently impacted areas are:

Both lanes of Kuhio Highway at mile marker 1 (“Hanalei Hill”) approaching Hanalei Bridge. Work on the slope began today with crews placing plastic sheeting to shield the exposed soils from further saturation.

Kuhio Highway between Kolopua Apartments and Hanalei Plantation Road. This closure is being put in place out of an abundance of caution. This is the road above the Hanalei Hill site. We have installed systems to monitor any movement in the road.

Single lane of Kuhio Highway at mile marker 4.5 near Waikoko.

HDOT is working with the County of Kauai and the Kauai Emergency Management Agency (KEMA) on emergency access for the residents that are cut off by the landslide at Hanalei Hill. The earliest possible estimation, weather depending, for single lane emergency access on Kuhio Highway is early next week.

The hole seen in photos and video of the Hanalei Hill slide is an irrigation tunnel dating back to the 1800s. HDOT is working to identify the water sources feeding into the tunnel as work on the emergency access continues.

HDOT will continue to update on the status of Kuhio Highway as soon as new information becomes available.

Kuhio Highway Short-Term Improvements Project to Begin Monday, March 1

The Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT), Highways Division, announces start of construction for the Kuhio Highway Short-Term Improvements will begin Monday, March 1, 2021. The Kuhio Highway Short-Term Improvements Project is designed to improve traffic congestion on Kuhio Highway through Kapaa-Wailua corridor by adding an additional southbound lane between Kuamoo Road and the Temporary Kapaa Bypass Road.

Additional improvements will increase safety for all road users, including pedestrians and bicyclists, by installing guardrails, sidewalks, and curb ramps, as well as updating pavement markings and landscaping.

The Kuhio Highway Short-Term Improvements project was made possible through the support of our Kauai legislative delegation, County of Kauai’s Departments of Planning, Public Works and their Transportation Agency, Kauai PATH, the Wailua-Kapaa Neighborhood Association, Kapaa Business Association, Kapaa High School, Kapaa Middle School, and the Kauai Visitors and Convention Bureau.

The project limits extend between mile markers 5.9 and 6.6 on Kuhio Highway, near the Wailua River to the Coconut Marketplace Shopping Center. Estimated construction cost for the project is $17 million, with eighty-percent provided through federal funding and the remainder from state funds. A daily average of 32,500 vehicles utilize this stretch of Kuhio Highway. The anticipated completion date of construction is Spring 2023.


The Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT) notifies Kauai motorists of temporary full closures on Kuhio Highway (Route 56) near the Kalihiwai Bridge, on Tuesday, Feb. 2 through Thursday, Feb. 4, 2021. The closures are needed to safely install drape mesh on the upper slope as part of a federal aid project to stabilize the hillside above Kuhio Highway.

Each day, the temporary full closures will last approximately 30 minutes starting at 8:30 a.m., continuing hourly, and ending at 4 p.m. Thirty minutes at the top of each hour, starting at 9 a.m., will be utilized to clear traffic. The full closures are expected to start at the times in the table below.

Tuesday (2/2), Wednesday (2/3), and Thursday (2/4)

8:30 a.m.

9:30 a.m.

10:30 a.m.

11:30 a.m.

12:30 p.m.

1:30 p.m.

2:30 p.m.

3:30 p.m.


During project work hours, motorists in both directions on Kuhio Highway will be stopped as helicopters place the mesh on the slope above the highway. Should the work be canceled or modified, notice will go out via HDOT’s social media and notification system.

HDOT recommends motorists plan for delays on the scheduled work days. All work is weather permitting. Those interested in receiving notice of scheduled work and lane closures from HDOT on a weekly basis for your island/area can sign up at: https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/hidot/subscriber/new.

Catholic Charities Hawai‘i to Provide Additional Rent Relief Through New State Assistance Program

Catholic Charities Hawaii and the State of Hawaii announced today the launch of a new rent relief program that will begin accepting applications next week.

The Rent Assistance and Mediation Program (RAMP) will provide assistance for Hawai‘i renters who have experienced a reduction in income because of unemployment or a reduction in work hours due to the COVID-19 pandemic and are at risk of eviction.

The $6 million program, administered by Catholic Charities Hawaii, intends to help tenants avoid eviction by providing rental payments for unpaid rent and mediation services. Rental payments will be considered from January 1, 2021 with a statewide cap of $1,500 per household per month. A maximum of up to two (2) months total of past due and ongoing assistance can be provided.

The program is funded by a portion of the state Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs Office of Consumer Protection settlement monies from Honda Motor Co.

“In dealing with the continual economic fallout from COVID-19, this emergency rental assistance program is meant to keep tenants in their homes and safely sheltered, while ensuring landlords are properly compensated,” said Catholic Charities Hawai’i CEO and president Rob Van Tassell. “With the conclusion of the state’s Rent Relief and Housing Assistance Program (RRHAP), this available funding will be a bridge to other potential rent relief programs involving COVID 19-related federal funding.”

There will be three ways to apply for the program: applying online, downloading an electronic form from our website, or a requested mailed application (see instructions listed below).

Full-time Hawai‘i residents with a valid and current lease agreement of six months or longer for their primary residence in Hawaii must demonstrate a loss of income due to the COVID-19 pandemic and have a gross household annual income that does not exceed 100% of the HUD Area Median Income for 2020.

Please note that the available funds are estimated to cover approximately 2,000 applications and we expect the demand to be great enough to reach capacity within a week.

“Please take the time to carefully fill out the forms and provide the correction information required,” Van Tassell said. “Doing so, will shorten the time to verify and process your applications. Also, please let your landlord know that you are applying for rental assistance and have their contact information readily available, especially if you are applying online: including his or her name, mailing address, email address, phone number.”

Applicants who have already received funding from the State of Hawai‘i’s recent Rent Relief and Housing Assistance Program (RRHAP) will have to re-apply for RAMP funding. Since this is a different program funding source from the state’s RRHAP, applications from that program will not carry over.


Full-time Hawai‘i residents with a valid and current lease agreement of six months or longer for their primary residence in Hawaii must demonstrate a loss of income due to the COVID-19 pandemic and have a gross household annual

income that does not exceed 100% of the HUD Area Median Income for 2020.

(Please see application for more details.)

Maximum Assistance per Applicant

Monthly 2021 rent payments of up to $1,500 or mediation services of up to $500 per household, statewide, will be made directly to the landlord or mediation agency. Rent payments can be made in lump sum amounts for a maximum of two months. Payment for mediation services will be up to $500 per household.  This program cannot pay for rent that has been paid by tenant or another entity.

How to Apply

To Request an Application Form:

  • Requests for an application can be mailed, faxed, and emailed upon request between January 6, 2021 to January 13, 2021.

o   Application requests outside of this timeframe will not be considered

o   Call/mail/fax your local Catholic Charities Hawaii office on Page 2 of this packet or email COVID19help@catholiccharitieshawaii.org, to request an application

  • You may also visit our website directly at: www.catholiccharitieshawaii.org, to download an electronic copy or wait for the Online Application link to activate on January 11, 2021 until January 13, 2021 between 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

To submit your completed application:

  • Applications will only be accepted within the timeframe below. Please note that the timeframe for an online application versus a hard copy or electronic version are different. Any applications outside of the timeframes posted below will not be considered and discarded.

o   Online Application will be open between January 11, 2021 to January 13, 2021 between 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

  • Please do not start your online application at 4:30pm as it may time out

  • If applying online, please ensure you have good internet and apply through a desktop computer or laptop as mobile devices may time out

o   Standard mail in applications, fax applications, or email applications, must be post marked or sent between January 11, 2021 – January 18, 2021

If you choose to mail in your application, please mail to: 1822 Keeaumoku St., Honolulu, HI. 96822. Keep in mind that there have been significant mail delays this year. To fax an application, please fax to: 808-527-4439

Application Tips

Please DO NOT send in any other documents with this initial application!  CCH or a partner agency will review your application and contact you if you meet the program qualifications.  At that time, we will request the needed documentation from you.

Important – When completing the application:

  • Please let your landlord know that you are applying for rental assistance and have their contact information readily available, especially if you are applying online: Name, mailing address, email address, phone number.

  • Please ensure that you double check your email before submitting (@ symbol is present, no spaces, spelling, etc.) as this will be the main mode of notification and communication

  • Actively check and monitor the email address you have provided (especially your spam/junk folder) and actively check your voicemail

o   Please ensure that the voicemail on the phone number you list is set up and not full

Application processing:

  • We estimate that funds will cover approximately 2,000 applications and that with the demand we will reach capacity in a week

  • Applications will be processed on a priority basis with a preference to:

o   Household income is at 50% AMI or below

Applications will be available on the Catholic Charities Hawaii website at: https://www.catholiccharitieshawaii.org

State Launches Job Program For Displaced Workers

Nonprofit organizations, the private sector and government have joined together to launch a program using federal CARES Act funding that will support Hawaii’s economy by providing businesses with up to 650 workers who have been displaced in the current economic crisis.

The economic stimulus program is supported by $10 million in federal CARES Act funding that was secured with the help of Hawaii’s Congressional delegation and disbursed locally through an appropriation by the Hawaii State Legislature.

The Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism (DBEDT) worked with all the partners to pull the program together. DBEDT contracted with Kupu, a conservation and youth education nonprofit, and Economic Development Alliance of Hawaii (EDAH), an economic development nonprofit, to implement this workforce development initiative. There will be two tracks to this program: “Kupu Aina Corps” run by Kupu and “Aloha Connects Innovation” run by EDAH.

The program will match displaced workers with companies in emerging industries and Aloha+ Challenge sectors such as conservation, renewable energy, agriculture, creative arts, aerospace, entrepreneurship, and STEM fields. The Aloha+ Challenge is a statewide commitment to achieve Hawaii’s sustainability goals, and locally driven framework to implement the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

The initiative, originally envisioned by Omar Sultan of Sultan Ventures, aims to diversify and strengthen Hawaii’s economy by building a scalable workforce to support the growth of emerging and resilient non-tourism industries. The program will create internship opportunities to provide temporary employment required due to economic injury caused by COVID-19 related business closures, while meaningfully diversifying and strengthening Hawaii’s economy.

The programs’ positions will offer:

  • 2-1/2 to 3 months of on-the-job training (to December 15)

  • Wages starting at $13-$15 an hour

  • Health care benefits

  • Introduction and mentoring within the emerging, innovation sectors

  • Workforce training

  • Ideally, after the on-the-job training, individuals will be hired at the sites they are placed at or within the network of their organization, pursue careers in the emerging, innovation sector, or continue with higher education

Eligible Participants:

  • Displaced workers

  • Recent college graduates

  • Recent high school graduates

Due to the ongoing impact of COVID-19, many tourism-related jobs will likely not be available through 2020. Hawaii’s heavy reliance on tourism means that the local economy will lag behind the national pace of the recovery process, according to DBEDT’s Research and Economic Analysis Division.

Interested participant applicants and companies interested in hosting participants can apply for the innovation track through Economic Development Alliance of Hawaii’s website at www.edahawaii.org and the conservation track through Kupu’s website at www.kupuhawaii.org/ainainnovation.

Link to Full Press Release