Hawai'i House of Representatives: 2023 Mid-Session Highlights

To check on the summary of some of the bills that have passed from each House Committee, please click on the image above or you may click on the following links:

PART 1 - House of Representatives: 2023 Mid-Session Highlights
PART 2 - House of Representatives: 2023 Mid-Session Highlights

To check on more bills and other information, please go to the Capitol Website: https://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/
Or, click HERE.

Department of Health: Pilot Cesspool Grant Program

The applications for the state's Pilot Cesspool Grant Program with the Department of Health Wastewater will be available on their website starting March 15, 2023. The purpose of this grant program is to assist low‐ and moderate‐income property owners with converting, upgrading or connecting failing cesspools to a more environmentally appropriate method of managing and treating wastewater. 

For more information, please go to their website: https://health.hawaii.gov/wastewater/home/ccpgp/
Or, click HERE.  

For any questions, you may contact the Department of Health's office at (808) 586-4294 or via email at doh.wwb@doh.hawaii.gov

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Let us hear from you during this Legislative Session! Computers and Wi-Fi are available at all public library branches to help you access and participate in the process. Learn how to reserve and use a library computer here. If you are scheduled to provide oral testimony, your local library staff can assist you in connecting to your hearing. If you have your own device, free Wi-Fi access is available inside and outside all library branches.