Real Property Taxes for Kaua’i property owners is due on Tuesday February 22, 2022. This is the second installment for the 2021-2022 tax year. Failure to pay in full by this date will result in a 10% penalty and 12% interest per year.
Although real property taxes are normally due every year on February 20, taxpayers will be allowed to pay by February 22 without penalties due to February 20 being a Sunday and February 21 being President’s Day.
Payments can made:
Online at
By mail*
If paying by check, please make it payable to “Director of Finance”
In person
If you plan to visit Real Property Collections, no appointment is needed, but there may be limited access to the Kapule lobby to adhere social distancing guidelines.
At the drop box (located outside the Kapule Building at the Lihu’e Civic Center)
These bills were mailed out on January 20, 2022, but if you have not yet received the bill, please call the Real Property Collections Division (contact information below). Taxpayers may also contact them for questions or more information.
Phone: 808-241-4272